Jerry Trainor Shirtless (2025)

1. Flashback Friday. Shirtless Spencer in Japan. – @jerrytrainornl on Tumblr

  • Flashback Friday. Shirtless Spencer in Japan. #Spencer Shay#igo to japan#iCarly#nickelodeon#jerry trainor. Close notes.

  • Flashback Friday. Shirtless Spencer in Japan.

2. Jerry Trainor Who Is He Dating - World of O

  • Jerry Trainor has developed and carved his history over the years and has done shirtless roles in some of the movies. His great worth, well-carved body, and ...

  • The chemistry between the two lovebirds is excellent and strong and it is a wonderful feat that this enormous love has not dwindled over the actors. It has stood the test of time and the love that the couple share has in fact increased over the 10 long years of their courtship. Jerry is 40 actors and Jessica 41 years old.

3. Jerry Trainor Picspam - whaaat5 - LiveJournal

  • 14 sep 2008 · Here is my picspam for Jerry Trainor. I absolutely love him and thought it would be awesome to put together a lot of his pictures since they are so spread out!

  • So here is my picspam for Jerry Trainor. I absolutely love him and thought it would be awesome to put together a lot of his pictures since they are so spread out! I seperated them into the general locations that i found them. If you want the exact link to any of them let me…

4. I rememeber him and the chubby shirtless kid.

5. jerry trainor shirtless - Impacts on early steamboats - 痞客邦

  • 30 jul 2013 · jerry trainor shirtless ... iCarly: Gibby's Shirtless Showdown | Play. Jean-Luc Bilodeau | Facebook. Interplay iMust Have Locker 239 - iCarly Wiki

  • Nathan Kress Shirtless Pics NEW - YouTube iCarly: Gibby's Shirtless Showdown | Play. Jean-Luc Bilode

6. iCarly 's Miranda Cosgrove, Jerry Trainor and Nathan Kress to ...

  • 5 mrt 2021 · Jason Kelce Forgets a Shirt For His “Monday Night Football” Debut, Travis Jokes He's 'Surprised' Jason 'Didn't Just Go Shirtless'. 32m ago.

  • The Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards will air Saturday, March 13

7. pictures of jerry trainor shirtless - Zuliskandar's blog

8. Jerry Trainor shirtless in iCarly 1-21 "iMight Switch Schools" - ausCAPS

  • Jerry Trainor shirtless in iCarly 1-21 "iMight Switch Schools". at 15.10.23 · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest.

9. Jerry Trainor shirtless in iCarly 4-03 "iGet Pranky" - ausCAPS

  • Jerry Trainor shirtless in iCarly 4-03 "iGet Pranky". at 30.12.23 · Email ThisBlogThis! ... Labels: iCarly, Jerry Trainor, Shirtless. No comments: Post a ...

10. Leave it all to 'iCarly' to bring back the nostalgia - The Vantage

  • 25 feb 2021 · This time around, I'm noticing how funny Jerry Trainor's character Spencer really is. With Carly and her friends being the main stars of the ...

  • By Ty Wilson, Staff Writer What do a failing artist, a boy who is constantly shirtless and three kids with a passion for making web videos have in common? If you said that they all starred in the popular kids show “iCarly,” then you would be right. Thanks to Netflix,

11. 18 Secrets Behind iCarly You Had No Idea About

  • 27 mrt 2018 · Jerry Trainor also played Steve on Drake & Josh, and since those two ... Gibby's YouTube channel. A shirtless Gibby holds a half-eaten banana.

  • iCarly is one of the more influential and memorable Nickelodeon shows, but not everything behind the secrets was so iconic.

12. What we know about iCarly revival series so far - Entertainment Weekly

  • 1 jun 2021 · ... shirtless friend, and T-Bo (BooG!e), the ... iCarly stars Miranda Cosgrove, Nathan Kress, and Jerry Trainor reunite at Kids' Choice Awards ...

  • EW has all the details about the upcoming 'iCarly' revival series. Nickelodeon announced two new cast members, plus Miranda Cosgrove spoke to EW about returning characters and what Carly and her friends are doing nearly 10 years later.

13. Nick greenlights iCarly and Victorious spinoffs pilots + picks up Jerry ...

  • Nick greenlights iCarly and Victorious spinoffs pilots + picks up Jerry Trainor sitcom! ... Shirtless Beck spin-off? Beck: Licensed Lifeguard? https://l ...

  • Although iCarly will soon air its final episode, you may not have to bid farewell to the entire gang. EW has learned that Nickelodeon has ordered spin-off pilots for Sam Puckett (Jeanette McCurdy) and Gibby Gibson (Noah Munck) from iCarly creator/executive producer Dan Schneider. Sams…

14. #186464131 added by springfap at Get well Soon Jerry Trainor

  • I rememeber him and the chubby shirtless kid. #65 to #2 - anon id: 187bcb2a. Reply+6. [-]. If you don't remember that his name is Gibby, then you don't ...

  • #186464131 added by springfap at Get well Soon Jerry Trainor

Jerry Trainor Shirtless (2025)


Where is Spencer from iCarly now? ›

After "iCarly" ended, Trainor continued to work with Nickelodeon, starring on the show "Wendell and Vinnie" and doing voiceover work for "T.U.F.F. Puppy." Most recently, Trainor appeared on Netflix's "No Good Nick" and an episode of Disney Channel's "Bunk'd." He's also on the "iCarly" reboot.

Who was the brother in iCarly? ›

Spencer Shay (Jerry Trainor) is Carly's older brother. He was the only adult main character in the original series. Spencer is immature, irresponsible and hyperactive.

Why is Spencer so rich in iCarly? ›

Carly's older brother Spencer has become a wealthy artist after accidentally creating a renowned sculpture. Following two divorces and a failed tech start-up, Freddie Benson has moved back to live with his mother, accompanied by his adopted 11-year-old stepdaughter Millicent.

Why did Sam leave Carly? ›

She tries to make it work with other co-hosts, but in the end, she just misses Sam. But where is Sam exactly? “She's off following her bliss with that biker gang,” Carly reveals during a cute moment with Freddie (Kress). Apparently, the gang is called The Obliterators, and Sam is absolutely thriving with them.

How much money did Jennette McCurdy make on iCarly? ›

"iCarly" star Jennette received $50,000 per episode. She stated on her podcast that she would not participate in the 2021 reboot "I quit a few years ago because I initially didn't want to do it. My mom put me in it when I was 6 and by sort of age, I guess, 10 or 11, I was the main financial support for my family.

Are Nathan Kress and Jennette McCurdy friends? ›

Jennette and Nathan both see each other as close friends and like siblings. They were both born in the year 1992.

What's Miranda Cosgrove doing now? ›

She also voices Margo in the Despicable Me film series (2010–present), appeared in the films The Intruders (2015), 3022 (2019), North Hollywood (2021), Drugstore June (2024), and Mother of the Bride (2024), and hosts the CBS series Mission Unstoppable with Miranda Cosgrove (2019–present).

What happened to Sam Puckett, actor? ›

When iCarly was revived that same year for Paramount+, McCurdy declined to reprise her role of Sam Puckett. In September 2021, McCurdy resumed performing her tragicomedy show in Los Angeles. On August 9, 2022, McCurdy released a memoir, I'm Glad My Mom Died, under Simon & Schuster.

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